Type Conversions
The implementation of type conversions across the LibPQ.jl interface is sufficiently complicated that it warrants its own section in the documentation. Luckily, it should be easy to use for whichever case you need.
From Julia to PostgreSQL
Currently all types are printed to strings and given to LibPQ as such, with no special treatment. Expect this to change in a future release. For now, you can convert the data to strings yourself before passing to execute
. This should only be necessary for data types whose Julia string representation is not valid in PostgreSQL, such as arrays.
julia> A = collect(12:15);
julia> nt = columntable(execute(conn, "SELECT \$1 = ANY(\$2) AS result", Any[13, string("{", join(A, ","), "}")]));
julia> nt[:result][1]
From PostgreSQL to Julia
The default type conversions applied when fetching PostgreSQL data should be sufficient in many cases.
julia> df = DataFrame(execute(conn, "SELECT 1::int4, 'foo'::varchar, '{1.0, 2.1, 3.3}'::float8[], false, TIMESTAMP '2004-10-19 10:23:54'"))
1×5 DataFrames.DataFrame
│ Row │ int4 │ varchar │ float8 │ bool │ timestamp │
│ 1 │ 1 │ foo │ [1.0, 2.1, 3.3] │ false │ 2004-10-19T10:23:54 │
The column types in Julia for the above DataFrame are Int32
, String
, Vector{Float64}
, Bool
, and DateTime
Any unknown or unsupported types are parsed as String
s by default.
The PostgreSQL NULL
is handled with missing
. By default, data streamed using the Tables interface is Union{T, Missing}
, and columns are Vector{Union{T, Missing}}
. While libpq
does not provide an interface for checking whether a result column contains NULL
, it's possible to assert that columns do not contain NULL
using the not_null
keyword argument to execute
. This will result in data retrieved as T
instead. not_null
accepts a list of column names or column positions, or a Bool
asserting that all columns do or do not have the possibility of NULL
The type-related interfaces described below only deal with the T
part of the Union{T, Missing}
, and there is currently no way to use an alternate NULL
It's possible to override the default type conversion behaviour in several places. Refer to the Implementation section for more detailed information.
There are three arguments to execute
for this:
argument to set the desired types for given columns. This is accepted as a dictionary mapping column names (asSymbol
s orString
s) and/or positions (asInteger
s) to Julia types.type_map
argument to set the mapping from PostgreSQL types to Julia types. This is accepted as a dictionary mapping PostgreSQL oids (asInteger
s) or canonical type names (asSymbol
s orString
s) to Julia types.conversions
argument to set the function used to convert from a given PostgreSQL type to a given Julia type. This is accepted as a dictionary mapping 2-tuples of PostgreSQL oids or type names (as above) and Julia types to callables (functions or type constructors).
supports type_map
and conversions
arguments as well, which will apply to all queries run with the created connection. Query-level overrides will override connection-level overrides.
To override behaviour for every query everywhere, add mappings to the global constants LibPQ.LIBPQ_TYPE_MAP
. Connection-level overrides will override these global overrides.
When a LibPQ.Result
is created (as the result of running a query), the Julia types and conversion functions for each column are precalculated and stored within the Result
. The types are chosen using these sources, in decreasing priority:
overrides atResult
overrides atResult
overrides atConnection
- fallback to
Using those types, the function for converting from PostgreSQL data to Julia data is selected, using these sources, in decreasing priority:
overrides atResult
overrides atConnection
,- fallback to
When fetching a particular value from a Result
, that function is used to turn data wrapped by a PQValue
to a Julia type. This operation always copies or parses data and never provides a view into the original Result
Canonical PostgreSQL Type Names
While PostgreSQL allows many aliases for its types (e.g., double precision
for float8
and character varying
for varchar
), there is one "canonical" name for the type stored in the pg_type
table from PostgreSQL's catalog. You can find a list of these for all of PostgreSQL's default types in the keys of LibPQ.PQ_SYSTEM_TYPES